The SIN just continues!
Imagine if, instead of once more bailing out big banks and large corporations, Uncle Sam sent the trillions of dollars to small business AND to we citizen by way of a Universal Basic Income
Alcohol: Why do we drink?
Alcohol consumption is one damaging effect among many that flow from this dominant socio-economic system.
Deadly rainbow: Will 5G precipitate the extinction of all life on Earth?
‘You cannot contaminate the global electrical circuit with millions of pulsed, modulated electronic signals without destroying all of life.’
Supreme suppression
Back in the day, nonviolent people power was the only answer to governmental inertia in radically improving U.S. democracy.
A way out of the money trap
We hardly even see these super-rich who hold that 1/10 of 1% of our nation's wealth. They don't live anywhere near where we live. They don't usually eat in the places we eat. Sadly, they say that in our country 'Royalty is dead' ... well, it isn't and never was.
Building a new political, economic and social structure
“We’re glad to see Trump go, but we don’t have a lot of hope in Biden. We really need something new, different, and better.”
Tell me the truth
So the question is: who do you believe when you need information?
Climate and the U.S. election
The U.S. election in November is critical, not just because of Donald Trump’s neo-fascisinm, but primarily because if the climate-change-denying and fossil-fuel supporting Republican Party retains power.
No more land lords!!!
Let's have Uncle Sam begin buying up privately owned rental property (residential AND commercial) and give the public a fair break.
Veterans and former industrial workers need to be a priority during the Covid-19 pandemic
The people who are in the high-risk groups must protect themselves from getting infected with the new coronavirus as it can be quite dangerous.