Why riot? Toward a typology of social unrest
It is not fair to expect oppressed people to answer violence with nonviolence, but it’s what actually works far more often.
Surrender, white people
My hope is that Black Lives Matter will join with the whites, Latinos, Asians and Native Americans, particularly those who have supported Bernie Sanders and other progressives, and continue to fight for justice for all members of society.
10 ways clean water is shaping the world
As our most precious resource, we must all do our part to ensure that we have access to potable water for generations to come.
Libertarians’ False Assumptions about Economics
“There exists overwhelming empirical evidence that the increase inequality of wealth produces, in itself, a happier and more peaceful society.”
Does Trump know the limits of presidential power?
Since we aren’t going to vote for Trump, and since not voting is pointless if we want a better government, then what?
Resisting Donald Trump’s violence strategically
Donald Trump has formidable institutional power at his disposal and he and his officials will use it to inflict enormous damage on us and our world in the months ahead.
Sustainability in a post-Covid-19 world: Is your business prepared?
Small businesses have a role to play. They have to make sure that they are sustainable in terms of their existence and environmental impact.
Challenges for Joe Biden And Kamala Harris
“To overcome these challenges -- to restore the soul and to secure the future of America -- requires more than words. It requires that most elusive of things in a democracy: Unity.”
The dogs of empire!
Don't just blame the dogs of empire... blame those who enticed them to do those evil deeds also.
The big squeeze
Here in our empire's orchestrated Two Party con job, in order to stop this right wing madness perhaps Chomsky was correct: "Hold your nose and vote for the Democrats." Or else learn how to goose step!!