Wednesday, January 15, 2025

A nonviolent strategy to liberate Syria

The difference between success and failure in any struggle is the soundness of the strategy.

Toxic Clichés

Our students will be facing challenges beyond what we can begin to imagine, if these past few years are any indication, crises that require far-ranging intelligence, imagination, sensitivity.

Hillary Clinton Agrees with the Citizens United Decision

“As Greenwald said, Hillary’s the very model of the type of politician that the five Republicans on the U.S. Supreme Court were trying to empower. The suckers whose votes she gets are fooled merely by her labeling herself a ‘Democrat’ and slinging the type of bumper-sticker phrases that draw Democratic suckers instead of Republican ones.”

Defending humanity against the elite coup

The global elite has engineered this latest crisis after many years of planning so that it can take control of the Earth and everything on it.

5 tips for respectfully explaining to others what pro-choice means

The abortion debate is back in the news, just in time for Thanksgiving dinner.

How the US healthcare system fails its diabetic citizens

We can understand the problem best through the example of diabetic ketoacidosis.

The carbon capture plants that COP26 didn’t discuss

The time has come to stop viewing these plants with a blind eye and start to use them in an effective way.

Adam Smith’s invisible hand is at our throats

Today our greed-based, war addicted, and growth-obsessed economic system poses even greater threats than it did during the early phases of the Industrial Revolution.

The Fourth Reich

The very demons who destroyed the once vibrant Weimar democracy in Germany are circling around here in the USA.

The illegality of NATO

Do the people of Europe really want to participate in the madness of aggression against Russia? Of course not!