Monday, December 23, 2024

To Be a (REAL) Jew

“How in the hell does a Jewish person from another country have such living rights over a Palestinian whose family has lived there for countless generations?”

Party vs faith: China drafts restrictions for all religions

China’s ability to keep its lid on the crackdown is nonetheless slipping.

The anti-empire report #157: Unpersons

In his desperation for approval, our dear president has jumped on the back of increased military spending.

Population and the Environment

Today we are pressing against the absolute limits of the earth’s carrying capacity.

Freaky weather past and present: Is this winter weather the new normal?

Storm Uri wreaked havoc last month and has left many wondering about how often these storms will happen and why.

The Amerikan Addiction Network

If you took a few moments of pause, you would realize that it should be our government which should be helping those with addictions- many such ones that have occurred because of the power of Big Pharma.

Trump escalates his war on the media; viciously attacks Americans’ social safety net

Trump is well on his way to becoming today’s version of President Richard Nixon.

Junior High School Amerika

This Two Party/ One Party system that serves our empire so well will never allow dialogue on how to end this mess.

Fool me once…

This current pandemic, a worldwide phenomenon, is destroying both people's lives and the economies throughout the world.

Your wish will be granted, Queen

“Let’s play this game I learned. Each of you imagine you’re the Queen, and you’re told that your wish will be granted. What do you wish?”