The central question is as old as the Republic itself: What is the limit of federal power?
The voiceless left stands before the monster of history
If you do not take hold of the monster within, he will take hold of you. Both on a personal basis as well as the monster we know as human history.
Creating a mixed race legal system
We should swear an oath that our children will never need to experience a George Floyd death, and the unfairness and inequality that we have today shall be no more.
A World Federation
In order to save the world from destruction in a thermonuclear World War III, the United Nations Charter must be reformed and strengthened.
Tell me the truth
So the question is: who do you believe when you need information?
I’m the Pied Piper
Anybody remember the 1966 rock song by Crispian St. Peters I'm the Pied Piper? The part that got me recently was this rift:
U.S. Now Overtly at War Against Russia
“Russia is not expanding to NATO’s borders; NATO is expanding to Russia’s borders. The baldness of the Western lie to the contrary is an insult to Westerners’ intelligence.”
A Few Great Fun Ways In Which You Can Protect the Environment
There is no real reason why you could not have a lot of fun while you protect the environment and you play your part in making the world a better place for the future generations.
Defending humanity against the elite coup
The global elite has engineered this latest crisis after many years of planning so that it can take control of the Earth and everything on it.
What to do about the water
You don’t have to be a person in poverty to see water as a real problem.