Thursday, December 26, 2024

Working for the Company

If we wish to have the change needed inside of this empire, beginning with the election of our representatives, we need to take ALL PRIVATE MONEY OUT OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS!

Find the adults and get them in the room

If democracy isn’t participatory it isn’t decent democracy.

Stooge time for Amerika

Children like NIkolas Cruz, who are mentally ill, will continue to be pushed along by agencies that don't have the resources or staffing to really stop this madness... until the next trigger is pulled!

Deconstructing Democracy

This is not Democracy. This is the destruction of Democracy.

No more land lords!!!

Let's have Uncle Sam begin buying up privately owned rental property (residential AND commercial) and give the public a fair break.

On the (Empire’s) Waterfront

Remember the famous taxicab scene from the great film On the Waterfront? Ex-boxer Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) telling his older brother Charlie...

What is a public forum?

How a platform operates should not depend upon whether it is owned by a private company or not.

If you think DACA recipients are the only ones whose jobs will be affected,...

Trump’s policy plans will end up hurting many people’s jobs, even though one of the biggest planks in his campaign platform was his promise to make jobs “great again” in America.

The Great Disconnect Part 1…

The majority of Americans at that time, and even now, never dared to question what our government and embedded media shoveled at them.

Calibrating for fake v real news

Welcome to the era of mass gaslighting. Infowars. Trump. Putin. Bin Salman. Fox News.