Sunday, January 12, 2025

Murderers for Trump

In the end, the opposition to Trump will either unite and learn nonviolent discipline or it is quite likely to fail to stop the death spiral of our democracy.

Killing the dream 50 years on

Perhaps conspiracy theories had been put on ice for awhile, but the nation only became more divided over Vietnam.

The anti-empire report #157: Unpersons

In his desperation for approval, our dear president has jumped on the back of increased military spending.

Black Friday Amerika: ‘Shop till we all drop’!!

Old Ben Franklin said it best: “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Hear that all you Wal-Mart shoppers?

Norvergence: Psychosocial and mental health impacts of climate change

“In the tech-saturated world, climate change is the biggest global threat (both physically and mentally).” Most articles or blog...

Our rights and our duties

Our rights should be restated, so the rights of any citizen shall be the rights of all citizens.

Duh: Easily modifying stupid laws

This “Duh” law would provide a way of avoiding ridiculous bureaucracy, which is really what the Terry decision amounts to.

Keep thinking outside the box

Climate change is caused by too much reliance on fossil fuels – and yet the United States continues to rely upon them.

Culture war on

I'm certain there is a way we can meaningfully unite, and not in a war against The Other overseas or south of the border.

Challenges homeless people face in getting jobs

All too often, homeless persons are unfairly blamed for their plight.