The Anti-Empire Report #142
“I stayed up about two hours past my usual bedtime to watch the New Years Eve celebration in Times Square. For one reason only. To see happy people. A year like 2015 can do that to you.”
Trump’s Kristallnacht
Your vote for anyone who can help slow, stop, and reverse this decline in decency and erosion of democracy was never more important than right now.
Tell me the truth
So the question is: who do you believe when you need information?
Trump botched all this
“More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.”
Trump channels Nero
Our descendants will thank us and curse the greedy grabber polluters.
Our American character and you the voter
It is up to us. No one can vote for you and your vote matters—we have seen many elections decided by just a few votes and several decided by a single vote. You are important.
TrumPutin moving forward, democracy declines
Without an impeachment, without a serious overhaul of enforced voting rights and a return to safeguarded paper ballots, we will continue to watch the erosion and destruction of this 241-year experiment in freedom.
The Manchurian Americans
How many more tragic results of this new Delta Variant before these Manchurian Americans are deprogrammed by TRUTH?
The two 500 lb. gorillas in the room
Who needs the super rich? I don’t. Do you?
The Anti-Empire Report #145
“Can it be imagined that an American president would openly implore the nation’s young people to fight a foreign war to defend ‘capitalism’?”