Climate: We are not doing enough!
Perhaps this worst-case scenario can motivate us to act with far-sighted vision and resolution, while there is still a small window of opportunity.
Never forget, never again
It is not too late to reset. It is never too late to decide to develop and maintain nonviolent discipline to increase chances for success.
Family values?
Just like all of the aforementioned (so called) leaders we have elected, Mr. Trump will do what the real ‘Deep State’ or Military Industrial Empire orders him to do. That is the real family that these men all belong to.
Climate and the U.S. election
The U.S. election in November is critical, not just because of Donald Trump’s neo-fascisinm, but primarily because if the climate-change-denying and fossil-fuel supporting Republican Party retains power.
Earth to Portland: Dispatch from the nation’s problem child
It’s time for us to show the world that Portland is a town of peace warriors. Let’s practice activism that everyone can participate in, including our children.
The Various Shades of Black… and Green
The hit film of 2018 was Peter Farrelly's Green Book. The film takes place in 1962, and was based on a true story...
The big squeeze
Here in our empire's orchestrated Two Party con job, in order to stop this right wing madness perhaps Chomsky was correct: "Hold your nose and vote for the Democrats." Or else learn how to goose step!!
Money (always) talks…
If working stiffs out there, regardless of labeling themselves as conservative or progressive, stop supporting this decayed electoral system...
Just 1 percent of the US Pentagon budget could end world hunger
The war machine must go on and keep on growing or, more than likely they'll end up out of an occupation.
AP Smears Trump
“This AP article is extremely vague about what it is alleging, or who was behind the allegations, but it does provide several hints regarding whether its main sources were from the Trump campaign, or from the Clinton campaign, or both equally.”