Thursday, January 2, 2025

Maitreya: “Share and Save the World”

Amidst deepening global divisions and intolerance ‘Project Maitreya’ plan to build 1,000 statues of Maitreya Buddha around the world, with the aim,...

Hillary Clinton Agrees with the Citizens United Decision

“As Greenwald said, Hillary’s the very model of the type of politician that the five Republicans on the U.S. Supreme Court were trying to empower. The suckers whose votes she gets are fooled merely by her labeling herself a ‘Democrat’ and slinging the type of bumper-sticker phrases that draw Democratic suckers instead of Republican ones.”

Will Millennials and Gen Z see Social Security? An in-depth look

Keep your eyes open and make smart money moves, whether you're in your teens, twenties, or thirties. Your future self will thank you for them.

Why we’ll fix the climate crisis

Humanity has always been resilient. When our backs are against the wall, we will stand up and fight against whatever is trying to hold us down.

Why Gen Z is turning away from the traditional four-year college path

They may turn away from the traditional four-year college path to attend two-year schools or start careers that don’t require degrees.

TrumPutin: Jobs, security, and buyer’s remorse

The Trump cabinet is defining itself as a military junta with predatory extractive capitalist cronies and climate change deniers a sort of General Goldman Sachs composite.

Total number of black Americans killed by the US police. Why Joe Biden may...

In clear words, he could be considered as a threat to minority voters.

How clean water is linked with environmental and human health

When the world works together, a brighter and greener future is possible.

Human extinction now imminent and inevitable? A report on the state of planet earth

Very soon now, the overwhelming evidence is that Homo sapiens will join other species that only exist as part of the fossil record.

In Clinton Case, Obama Administration Nullifies 6 Criminal Laws

“If we are a nation “of laws, not of men” (as that old basic description of democracy phrased it), then Ms. Clinton will be prosecuted, at least through the grand jury stage, on (at least) those grounds.”