Our vanishing world: Wildlife
The human assault on life on Earth will reach its inevitable conclusion: the extinction of Homo sapiens.
Time to really reawaken America!!
Sometimes 'Everything changes and nothing changes'. So it is in America 2021.
The Empire’s Fools
“To all those fools out there who either believe in the lies and disinformation shoveled at them, or the ones who tell this writer "Voting for a 3rd party is a wasted vote": Karma is real!!”
Thanksgiving in spite of it all
Why, in the era of the Worst President Ever, with racism and violence erupting with special virulence for the past three years, should we offer thanks?
Iran wags impeachment dog
Trump is blustering at Iran and to the world that we might just need to crush that pipsqueak terror country.
Supreme Court slices and dices 1789 law protecting non-citizens
International law in the 21st century has expanded to include the protection of human rights.
Totalitarian dream: Fatherland/homeland
Of course, the embedded with empire mainstream media only allows discourse from writers and citizens who express within the spectrum of the Republican & Democratic parties.
Where is Marley’s ghost… When we really need him?
The overwhelming preponderance of dead-end box store jobs and part-time positions offering little or no benefits is what we have become in this so-called modern era.
Going postal
This is how America is made great again, I suppose, by killing off the few institutions that we can all rely on and making sure that not a dime is spent in the interest of humanity.
Our future and the survival of humanity
So let us have community. Let us have a more egalitarian society. That way, we can survive.