TrumPutin: Who’s tired of winning now?
We don’t know exactly how much Moscow spent supporting influence operations to impact the U.K. and U.S. elections in 2016, but it seems hard to overstate how good the Kremlin’s return has been on what Western intelligence agencies believe was a relatively modest investment.
COVID-19, Spanish Influenza, Trump and Woodrow Wilson
The election in 1920 turned the country from Democratic to Republican, and it is likely that the 2020 election will do the reverse.
A Farruggio original : The bookie joint
“This was all part of that wonderful experience of going to the races.”
Feeding two birds with one hand
“Nuclear weapons are always in the wrong hands.”
How keeping workers safe benefits employers
Companies are beginning to understand that creating safe working environments bring various benefits aside from protecting profits.
Extinction is stalking humanity: The threats to human survival accumulate
I have previously written a summary of the interrelated psychological, sociological, political-economic, military, nuclear, ecological and climate threats to human survival on...
In God (and Trump) we trust… With monster bombs!!
I just don't think he blessed that Monster Bomb or all the other WMDs that your tax money is paying for... instead of better roads, infrastructure, health care...
Violence Begets….
“If only enough of our countries' public will demand holding those war criminals accountable, and keep at it... then we will send the rest of the world a sincere message.”
The communal interdependency of nationalized healthcare
“Why when I choose from the corpus of terms relating to universal healthcare I choose nationalized healthcare, because healthcare is rendered a national issue when we all rely on it.”
The State of USS Titanic
So, what this current two-party/one-party system has done, while acting as spokespersons for the empire, is like the old joke of Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.