6 ways restaurants can reduce their environmental impact
The restaurant industry struggles to meet consumers’ sustainability standards because of conventional management patterns.
Political storytelling: How it impacts our brains
Do we know something about how politicians use storytelling and how it impacts voters’ brains?
Trust Congress? Consider what Smedley Butler said
Congress can be bought today as it was bought then.
The impact of ecotourism on sustainable initiatives
The industry’s primary goal is to preserve these environments so humanity can appreciate them for generations to come. However, it might hurt more than it helps.
The Importance of Public Education
“The proper focus of authentic education is not ingestion and disgorgement of information like trained seals clapping their flippers on command but a process of development that leads to critical thinking and life-long learning skills.”
Ed Norton Occupies the World
“Empires fold up when either they get overrun or their citizens have had enough.”
Hillary Clinton Agrees with the Citizens United Decision
“As Greenwald said, Hillary’s the very model of the type of politician that the five Republicans on the U.S. Supreme Court were trying to empower. The suckers whose votes she gets are fooled merely by her labeling herself a ‘Democrat’ and slinging the type of bumper-sticker phrases that draw Democratic suckers instead of Republican ones.”
How the US healthcare system fails its diabetic citizens
We can understand the problem best through the example of diabetic ketoacidosis.
Resisting Donald Trump’s violence strategically
Donald Trump has formidable institutional power at his disposal and he and his officials will use it to inflict enormous damage on us and our world in the months ahead.
5 tips for respectfully explaining to others what pro-choice means
The abortion debate is back in the news, just in time for Thanksgiving dinner.