The medical mess
It seems odd that 12,000 foreign doctors can get residencies in the U.S. but 2,000 U.S. medical graduates cannot.
The illegality of NATO
Do the people of Europe really want to participate in the madness of aggression against Russia? Of course not!
Learning from Gandhi
Gandhi was assassinated on 30 January 1948. But his legacy lives on. You can learn from it too, if you wish.
2017 elections bring hope for the future
It is too soon to say, but there is one year until the midterms, and many of us are waiting with bated breath.
Economics 101 and robotics
Regardless of how our society develops, the important thing is for all of us to care for those who are living.
Mad bombers just so 20th century
Help us impeach this Tweeting Nuclear Option—and for Trump the nuclear option is not REPEAT NOT a metaphor.
Veterans and former industrial workers need to be a priority during the Covid-19 pandemic
The people who are in the high-risk groups must protect themselves from getting infected with the new coronavirus as it can be quite dangerous.
Does Flint, Michigan, have clean water yet? The answer is complicated.
Even if the city has clean water, many people still struggle to accept that they’re being told the truth this time.
Donald Trump’s deepest fraud?
Without a doubt, the aristocracies of the U.S. and of all of its allied countries want this type of world government, even though it would hurt the publics everywhere.
Effects of domestic violence during Covid on children mind-set
I hope and wish that all do our very best to protect our kids and children from going through such experiences in the first place.