Saturday, January 11, 2025

How the Biden administration is planning to reform the meat industry

Individuals can vote for better meat industry regulations by choosing environmentally educated government representatives.

Junk planet: Is Earth the largest garbage dump in the universe?

We can contribute to the ongoing creation of Earth as the planet of junk. Or we can use our conscience, intelligence and determination to guide us in resisting the destruction of our world.

An Open Letter to the People of West Papua

“We have recently been discussing your ongoing courageous struggle to liberate yourselves from more than 100 years of occupation, first by the Netherlands, briefly and brutally by Japan during World War II, and now by Indonesia.”

Gary Johnson – The More You Know Him, the Less You Like him

So, now that you know Johnson better, how can you support him?

Amerika in Trumpland

"If you want loyalty... get a dog!" Preferably a right wing one, hey Donald!

Trust our brilliant leaders? Are you joking?

“With what predictably unfolded there, why do we for even a split second trust the knuckleheads in charge of our military and foreign policy to handle anything going forward?”

Farmer protest: It seems India is at war with itself

The demonstrators are requesting that Mr. Modi repeal farming laws that would limit the public authority's job in horticulture and open more space for private financial specialists.

‘Must be the season of the RICH’

We are living in an age here in an Amerika that not only rivals the infamous Gilded Age (1870-1890) but surpasses it!

Is COVID-19 causing a spike in addiction rates?

Addiction is hard, especially in tough world or life circumstances, but with support from near or far, you can make it through.

The disgrace!!

The disgrace is only getting bolder. Wake up working stiffs!!