Hopes for a new party
Progressives can put these principles in practice, and we could retain the better parts of both capitalism and socialism, leading to a happy society.
Truth or delusion?
Living the truth on a daily basis is a tough road. And it will never come without cost. But living in the comfort of delusion, rather than taking action, is the path of cowards.
We want a serious change in our federal spending priorities away from destruction to actual human needs.
Our vanishing world: Insects
Just one critical and largely ignored variable in this rush to extinction is our decimation of the world insect population denying us an ever-expanding range of ecological services.
The psychology of mass killers: What causes it? How can you prevent it?
But what is this ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’ violence that is inflicted on us mercilessly, and has a profoundly damaging impact, from the day we are born?
The anti-empire report #159: The mind of the mass media
What is it that motivates such people? I think it’s mainly that they realize that blame for much of environmental damage can be traced, directly or indirectly, to corporate profit-seeking behavior, an ideology to which they are firmly committed.
I’ll cry instead
We have a long lasting parade of fools in my beloved country.
5 ways you can fight back against stigmas related to ADHD and ADD every...
Everyone can do their part to spread awareness about what is appropriate and respectful behavior when it comes to health conditions with stigmatized public perceptions.
Bernie groups break free of Dems: New party rising?
The beauty of the foregoing strategy is that it seeks a viable new party through a graduated series of accomplishable, grassroots-based electoral successes.
I don’t think that the solution is to treat everyone exactly alike, because that eliminates incentives.