Wars: In Memoriam
“America must bear the stigma of being the only nation in the world to have unleashed an atomic holocaust....and has never apologized.”
Dancing with the Beast
“The Beast of Empire that Nixon alluded to in May of 1970 is still alive and more powerful than ever. It hides within the breast of a controlled government and media. To paraphrase : Its finest trick is to persuade you that it does not exist!”
Humanity’s ‘dirty little secret’: Starving, enslaving, raping, torturing and killing our children
Each one of us has an important choice. We can acknowledge the painful truth that we inflict enormous violence on our children and respond powerfully to that truth. Or we can keep deluding ourselves and continue to observe, powerlessly, as the violence in our world proliferates until human beings are extinct.
Are men more corrupt and sexually aggressive?
We, the electorate, didn’t vote for politicians so that they could latch onto women, nor so that they could rob us blind.
Election 2016: Amerika Wins, Americans Lose!
Regardless of who won last night, the empire of Amerika keeps on rolling... but not for long.
“Whore” IS Sexist; Just Consider Hillary “Raw Sewage”
“Best of all, no one who unfavorably compares both major parties’ front-running candidates to raw sewage can reasonably be accused of sexism. Or bad taste.”
Lies that led to the Afghan war
We must learn to be skeptical of both our political leaders and our mass media, when they give us reasons for going to war.
Diet, ignorance and the environmental crisis
Awareness is the critical ingredient in change, individually and collectively.
I’m the Pied Piper
Anybody remember the 1966 rock song by Crispian St. Peters I'm the Pied Piper? The part that got me recently was this rift:
Donald Trump’s deepest fraud?
Without a doubt, the aristocracies of the U.S. and of all of its allied countries want this type of world government, even though it would hurt the publics everywhere.