Sunday, January 12, 2025

No sympathy for the devils

The old adage (I’m lying. I just made it up) of “If you believe there is a devil, then you must believe there is a God too.”

This land is your land

The trial in tiny Cavalier, North Dakota, in remote Pembina County, was heartbreaking.

Moral obligation

Will this then be the death of democracy in this country?

International collaboration to end violence

Can we do it? If we do not try, we will never know.

The socially responsible tech company: Can big tech be fixed?

having a diverse leadership serves the leaders and members of an organization as much as it does its users.

A likely way that Trump would be forced out of office

All that’s needed in order to trigger this nightmare would be Pence plus half of Trump’s Cabinet.

Defending humanity against the elite coup

The global elite has engineered this latest crisis after many years of planning so that it can take control of the Earth and everything on it.

Violence Begets….

“If only enough of our countries' public will demand holding those war criminals accountable, and keep at it... then we will send the rest of the world a sincere message.”

What we are missing

It is summer, I’m a teacher, nearly unpaid, and have the gift of prep time for fall classes. I’m also being indulgent...

Cooperation or competition?

Youth should be encouraged to cooperate and understand that the goal is to benefit all. But we can still use the idea of sports competition to find the best ways to move forward.