Who for Veep?
The big question for Bernie-ites is who they want for vice-president.
Does Russia have Donald Trump’s sex tape?
Trump is the only U.S. president who doesn’t see Putin as a threat to the United States.
Clinton Backs Monsanto’s Case That to Be Anti Monsanto Is to Be Pro Global-Warming
“There is no comparison between the actual scientific consensus that global warming is real and man-made, and the phony ‘scientific’ ‘consensus’ that GMOs are safe.”
How is Covid-19 affecting student learning?
If the pandemic has taught us any lesson, it is that predicting the future is a futile endeavor. But one thing is certain: education is going digital.
Deadly rainbow: Will 5G precipitate the extinction of all life on Earth?
‘You cannot contaminate the global electrical circuit with millions of pulsed, modulated electronic signals without destroying all of life.’
The elite’s Covid-19 coup to destroy humanity that is also fast-tracking four paths to...
I encourage you to have a ponder. There is a great deal at stake at this time. A human future, no less.
Halting our descent into tyranny: Defeating the global elite’s Covid-19 coup
You can submit to tyranny or you can resist it.
Norvergence: It’s time to remember the 1984 Bhopal gas disaster
George Stacey, an environmentalist at Norvergence: “I’ll never forget Bhopal Gas Tragedy- a man-made catastrophe resulted in the death of over 4,000...
Defending humanity against the elite coup
The global elite has engineered this latest crisis after many years of planning so that it can take control of the Earth and everything on it.
A Few Great Fun Ways In Which You Can Protect the Environment
There is no real reason why you could not have a lot of fun while you protect the environment and you play your part in making the world a better place for the future generations.