Saturday, January 11, 2025

Democracy USA? NO!!!

If we had a viable multi party system here in the 'Land of the Free' perhaps there would be more adjustments. Instead, we stay with this phony Two Party/One Party fantasyland.

There’s gambling going on here!!!

"There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only AT&T, IT&T ... a collage of corporations."

How the idea of personal liberty is quickly fading away

The world is changing far too quickly for people to get used to it, and the rate of expansion isn’t slowing down. No one can keep track, at least not alone.

We need changes in our healthcare industry for more accessible care

By reducing prices and expanding coverage to more people, these big-picture changes could transform our healthcare system.

About Justice

“For a word that has been chiseled into stone monuments for centuries, we could reasonably hope society would by now have the practice and understanding of Justice down cold.”

Wars: In Memoriam

“America must bear the stigma of being the only nation in the world to have unleashed an atomic holocaust....and has never apologized.”

The Values of Failing

“I do think that failure is a valuable part of life. We learn from it, benefit from it, and sometimes, have to reconcile ourselves to it.”


We should be loyal, but loyal to all humans and loyal to the clean water, clean air, and healthy, safe environment every girl and boy requires now and forever.

Banana Amerika: The Fix Is In!!!

Here is my conspiracy theory: The empire that controls both political parties did not want Sanders to be the nominee.

Vote back better

Why then is America, a country noted for its pride (many might say arrogance), slipping so precipitously in our basic functions?