Bloodless Occupation
“It is so sad to see Muslim extremists reverting to 12th-century brutality and American ‘patriots’ regressing to 19th-century behavior.”
The Psychology of Ideology and Religion
“Unfortunately, however, often enough the shared ideology or religion has a dysfunctional basis and the outcome is detrimental both individually and socially with the (violent) consequences sometimes reverberating throughout a national or even global society. This is why it is useful to understand the psychology of ideology and religion.”
“United we stand, divided we fall”
We are now divided. We must ask and demand answers to the question, Where is all of this going?
Our American character and you the voter
It is up to us. No one can vote for you and your vote matters—we have seen many elections decided by just a few votes and several decided by a single vote. You are important.
The illegality of NATO
Do the people of Europe really want to participate in the madness of aggression against Russia? Of course not!
The War Racket Continues.. 84 years later!
On this Memorial Day weekend, all Amerikans should look back to the great essay written in 1935 by Marine General Smedley Butler....
Crony corruption in Trumpworld
Crony corruption. Do we deserve better? Certainly, our children and grandchildren do.
Trump escalates his war on the media; viciously attacks Americans’ social safety net
Trump is well on his way to becoming today’s version of President Richard Nixon.
Why riot? Toward a typology of social unrest
It is not fair to expect oppressed people to answer violence with nonviolence, but it’s what actually works far more often.
Coming to terms with the abortion conflict and other matters
The point here is that we can and should discuss issues such as these openly and respectfully.