Fake news about energy, clean and dirty
I used to listen to Freakonomics, an interesting podcast, until it called nuclear energy clean and nonpolluting. I haven’t listened to any...
Money for Nothing… Except Winning!!
“It is time for the good working stiffs of America to walk away from the 2 Party 'One Party' con job and start realizing that it is this empire that is bankrupting not only our economy but our morality as fellow humans.”
Is This Person Our New President?
The reason why Clinton doesn’t want those speeches to be made public is that she doesn’t want the voters to know that she intends to use their money to propagandize to them for the benefit of those corporations, and also to protect those corporations from liability for harms their products cause the public.
Police Scanners ensures the public security
Police scanners are the best to save the time and be on the location when any mishap happens. With the efficiency of the police is increased 10 times more this is the reason it is using in the US.
Killing the dream 50 years on
Perhaps conspiracy theories had been put on ice for awhile, but the nation only became more divided over Vietnam.
Time to rein in the super rich
The voice of the people needs to be heard. Not through violence but consistent demand en mass.
Profiles in pusillanimity
Getting honest uncorrupted replacements is a two-year priority if we hope to get some of the moral compass corrected in our national politics.
Why fear and self-hatred destroy human sharing and solidarity
To love yourself truly, you must always courageously act out your own self-will, whatever the consequences.
What is wokewashing, and why should a business avoid it?
Be authentic in all your dealings, and demonstrate sustainable, meaningful commitment to improvement.
How can we build a better world?
Instead of insisting on capitalism, I think we should focus on how we can make compassion for others a centerpiece of our society.