Gillian Taylor is an Associate Professor in the School of Health and Life Sciences, Teesside University.
Before coming to Teesside Gillian studied at Newcastle University and was a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. Gillian has published in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters on a range of subjects from archaeological chemistry, analytical chemistry and stable isotope analysis.
Gillian's main research areas focus is the development of analytical techniques towards forensic and archaeological applications. Gillian has published and collaborated with local, national and international partners in peer reviewed journals of international quality.
Gillian's expertise and interest include:
Volatile organic compounds - using SPME coupled with GC-MS
Preservation processes - chemical and microbiological
Decomposition in aerobic and anaerobic environments
Mass spectrometry method development
Elemental analysis of soil
Dr Rosie Everett is a Lecturer in Forensic Science at Northumbria University with a specialist interest in forensic ecology and environmental trace evidence.
As a former environmental archaeologist, she has research experience and interest in past environmental archives (pollen, diatoms) for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction with a focus on peatlands and peatland heritage. She has worked with government bodies and NGOs to develop policy and action to support peatland restoration groups and communities in the management and protection of peatland heritage in the face of climate change.