It’s time for Americans to fight like hell against the fascists that have infiltrated America

Even though it and our Constitution are still intact and working, they are under constant attack by these forces of evil.


Who in the world has been dumb enough to elect a convict to rule over America from the White House? Well, slightly over 77 million Americans voted to elect Trump to the presidency. But why would that many Americans vote for him, what could they have been thinking? Well, the answer is: They weren’t thinking—not at all.

What is Trump’s master plan for control over America and his people? Well, we should mention that Trump is not smart enough to devise any master plan. He and his bodyguard, Musk, have a plan that is not complicated, it is just the current version of Hitler and Mussolini’s failed plan to install an authoritarian/dictatorship in the world. They just want to borrow the fascist strategy to control this country and its people.

They believe that their plan is working so well, with little resistance from anyone, especially the silent do-nothing Democrats, that Trump must be feeling simply ecstatic, and they are ready to kick it into phase two, which is to continue to tighten the grip around America’s throat.

How is this Trump plan to do away with our democracy proceeding so quickly? Well, even though it and our Constitution are still intact and working, they are under constant attack by these forces of evil. Musk doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he possesses the same kind of mindset that Hitler had.

Who are the forces of evil, the fascist fighters besides Trump and Musk? They are the Trump MAGAS, the Republicans in Congress, certain billionaires, and other non-intelligent Americans who do not know what a fascist is.

Right now, we might say that this war has just begun, And the Trump fascist team is running wild all over America, attacking every government facility, firing thousands of federal workers, and trying to close entire departments. The anti-fascist fighters right now are the unions, their fired workers, the lawyers, and various judges. But there is a lot more firepower needed to defeat these enemies of our democracy.

But as they rush forward to fight, they better be careful not to run over the many Congressional Republicans, and also a good number of Democrats, and other Americans, fleeing into their hiding places.

Wait, I just heard that Trump invoked a 1798 law to deport alleged gang members who were put on two planes headed for El Salvador. Federal Judge James Boesberg declared that the planes needed to be returned, but they weren’t. And then Trump’s Border Czar Homan dared to say in a very insulting way, “We’re not stopping, I don’t care what the judges think, I don’t  care what the Left thinks, we’re coming.” Well, with that stupid statement, this smart ass needs to be immediately dismissed. Does he think he has the authority to insult a judge and then defy him?

This guy Trump is the very first U.S. president who was elected after he was convicted for several crimes. The American Founders must have been rolling over and over in their graves when this massive insult to our Constitution took place. Washington and Lincoln are at the top of the greatest Presidents, while Trump is right at the bottom.

It’s as if America was in a relatively peaceful period in its history when, suddenly, a dark and sinister cloud came up from somewhere down below and cast a dark, menacing shadow over America. This devil-like creature is now ravaging through this country from one side to the other.

One would think that Presidents Clinton and Obama would step up to lead the fight against the fascists, but they just sit back and do absolutely nothing. They watch this one-sided battle in silence. America needs them to be all over the media shouting out to the people to fight like hell to save their country. But they watch and, do not move out for the fight, at least not yet.

In an address to Congress recently, President Donald Trump once again cast himself as a divine savior of the American people. “I was saved by God to make America great again,” he claimed as he recounted the failed assassination attempt on him in Butler, Pennsylvania. What a blasphemous statement that is.

During his 100-minute speech, Trump made direct appeals to the Christian right, a major segment of his base: “This will be our greatest era. With God’s help over the next four years, we are going to lead this nation even higher.” Now, I think I am going to vomit.

One of this country’s biggest problems is that it is full of MAGA, and other people of the same mindset, who cannot tell right from wrong. They don’t have an understanding of ethics and they know little to nothing about morality. They tend to think about themselves to a large extent and rarely think of others.

Yes, we’ve had some unethical, shady presidents in the White House over time, even a non-convicted crook like Richard Nixon. But for the first time in the history of our nation, we now have a fully convicted felon and fraudster named Donald A. Trump ruling over America. And it’s a deep, dark stain on America’s soul.

Republicans and even a few Democrats love this convicted felon and fraudster and, somehow, can still look themselves in the mirror. That’s beyond comprehension. These pseudo-Americans, if they love Trump now, will they still love him when he finishes tearing this country and its democracy apart?

We’re living in a country with a U.S. House and Senate that is full of Republican liars and cowards. So many of these elected officials have no sense of reason, and their propensity for lying and misinformation comes naturally, it’s a part of them. And that’s why something of real value for the people rarely, if ever, gets done.

What Trump and his minions are trying to do when they defy the laws and the Constitution, as well as the judges in America is very clear; it is to install an autocracy in which they possess the ultimate power and control. So right now, we are in the middle of a massive battle between two forces over this issue, and it’s time to fight and fight hard to defeat this enemy.

Trump has this twisted, backward mind, so he can’t even think straight. He sees great things that are being done to help people, like Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps, and it infuriates him. Then he gets ready to order his manservant, Musk, to get his wrecking ball out, see how many people he can fire, and then close their departments and buildings.

Ask him any question, and another lie comes out of his mouth because he can’t provide an answer that makes any sense. Take tariffs, for example, which Trump is adding furiously. He’s not an economist and he knows nothing about economics, as he proved in his last presidency. But he keeps acting like he does, to the detriment of the American people.

Make this your #1 objective, all you “law-abiding, truthful Americans:” To do everything to find ways to question and disprove everything that Trump, Musk, and Vance say or do. Treat these three and their cohorts as domestic enemies. Do everything to get a great many Democrats voted back into Congress in the midterms, where they will be able to do anything and everything to undermine and disable Trump’s plans.

Enough is enough, and it’s time for Americans to stand up and fight these forces of evil, the domestic terrorists. The American fighters include the best lawyers and judges in the land, powerful-thinking college experts with vast knowledge, and a large part of the decent people of America. 

Now, if we can get the national media and the Democrats to summon up their courage and get damned mad, I think it will help greatly to take our country back.

I just heard the new, fight like hell, strategy that Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez are doing around the country to attack the coward Trump. What a couple of honest, and trustworthy members of Congress, with the zeal needed to energize the American people to fight like hell against these fascist infiltrators that have attacked America.

These two great American patriots, together with thousands of decent Americans cramming town halls, give us confidence that they have the power and the necessary energy to lead the efforts to bring back America to WIN, to preserve our democracy and Constitution.


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