Fur seal populations in California have been increasing due to conservation efforts and environmental protections. Making a historic comeback on the Farallon Islands in California, the resurgence of pups in one of only two fur seal rookeries south of Alaska is a stark contrast to the commercial sealers hunted to near extinction in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The population has grown rapidly, and in 2024, biologists recorded 2,133 fur seals, including 1,276 pups, according to SF Gate.
“I was amazed to see them all piled in there, getting tossed around like they were in a washing machine,” Gerry McChesney, manager of the Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, said. “They looked pretty content and like they were having a good ol’ time.”
In 1996, the first pup was born after a 150-year absence, according to Bay Nature. Some factors contributing to the resurgence include hunting bans, environmental protections, recovery in suitable habitats, and protection by the the Mexican government.
“And knowing that the sight represents such an amazing comeback for their population made the sight mean so much more,” McChesney said.
To join the conservation effort to save fur seals, follow FurSeals.org.