Mine eyes hath seen no coming of glory,
Unless one loves nightmarish purgatory;
Barbarians trample hearty vintages,
To shore up billionaire percentages.
MAGA hath loosed its wrathful lightning,
With fire and brimstone beyond frightening;
Terrible swift swords that laugh at stealth
Propel the rampage to concentrate wealth.
With gloating terror march MAGA asses,
Bewitching the tired, poor, huddled masses;
Collaring newbies yearning to breathe free,
Struck down by a ferocious third degree.
If only white nationalists are legit,
Then “foreign” workers are counterfeit;
Adieu, better angels of our natures,
Swept away by spineless legislatures.
Yes, yes, this circus is a cynical show
To prove how far thuggish tyrants can go;
Whatever Trump deems mortal enemy
Incurs the fury of MAGA enmity.
Since reality vexes the psychopath,
Why not throw babies out with the bath?
Forget good programs the majority passed,
The scapegoated enemy’s now outcast.
Is not the cure-all for any malady
Just amputate limbs with alacrity?
That fits the fascist mania for “reform”–
And black shirt scourges to defame, then deform.
Reject tested means of systemic first-aid,
How much simpler just to toss a grenade;
The only way towards structural change –
Inspire majorities to think long-range.
But that demands working coalitions
And framing change within core traditions;
Not amplifying dishonor abroad,
With vengeful spite by a hellish fraud.
Instead, prize what’s left of decent statecraft,
Not greedy connivers in love with graft.
Constitutional justice no longer rules
When commandeered by craven knaves and fools.