Netanyahu, Putin, and Trump: The three great threats to world peace and stability; all will fail!

With the election on the horizon, America stands at a crossroads that will determine its fate going into the future.

Image Credit: White House/Andrea Hanks

Netanyahu, Putin, and Trump are grand masters of causing chaos and lawlessness in their parts of the world. They are born troublemakers, power brokers, and those who we might also call control freaks. What is astounding is that Netanyahu, aka Bibi, would be heading for a jail cell if he were no longer Israel’s leader. Also, Trump would now be in jail if he were not running in the presidential election.

Netanyahu has been charged with fraud, bribery, and breach of trust in three cases filed in 2019. If convicted in a bribery case, he could be sentenced to up to 10 years in jail and a fine. He is a criminal conducting a war. How crazy is that? Trump is a four-time convicted felon who desperately hopes he wins the election to stay free.

Putin is the latest in a long line of powerful dictators who have had expansion of their country into other countries as one of their top objectives. Russia’s empire was largely reduced after World War II. Putin refused to accept that, so he invaded Ukraine to begin the process of re-expansion into Poland, the Czech Republic, and other countries in Europe. But he’s kidding himself if he thinks he can do that; he’s no Stalin or Lenin, he’s only Russian-Lite.

Now, we need to discuss what will happen to these men who are incapable of living in a peaceful society. I heard that Putin has said that he intends to defeat NATO in the end. That’s a crazy notion when he is having a difficult time gaining ground in Ukraine. Secondly, NATO is comprised of 30 nations with massive firepower that would be invincible. What he will do is use all of Russia’s dwindling resources on an unattainable objective and even though it seems impossible to think that it could happen, he will be removed as leader sooner than he might think.

Bibi Netanyahu, the pro-liferator of the genocidal war against the Gazans? He is a madman who is turning Israel into a war machine that is not only killing the Hamas enemy but slaughtering and murdering thousands of Gazan people, including a great many children. That is just plain genocide, the same thing the Nazis did to the Jews in World War II. Now, Netanyahu is conducting the very same murderous type of war.

I recently heard that the Israelis killed the Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in fighting. They should not celebrate what they did because I’m hearing many opinions that Hamas may start threatening to kill Israeli hostages, which would be a horrible outcome. If that happens, Netanyahu should be thrown out of office and into jail. But, to be fair, some others feel that this killing could start the negotiations toward a cease-fire. I hope this happens for the good of all.

Who knows what will follow if Hamas starts killing the hostages? What will Bibi do, accelerate the slaughter of Gazans, a move that he is entirely capable of doing? One way or another, this genocide must stop. Joe Biden has the weapons Israel badly needs. Why is he not in the news threatening to withhold them unless Bibi makes a cease-fire his next objective? He better wake up real soon, or he will cause Harris to lose the election. He will go down in history as complicit in the Gazan genocide.

With the election on the horizon, America stands at a crossroads that will determine its fate going into the future. The American people cannot, they must not, elect a criminal fascist. This unstable, unhinged, wannabe dictator, has made this dire threat that he will turn the military on “the enemy within”, the American people. That is pure fascist language.

Yes, Donald Trump is not only unstable and unhinged and, if elected, he would be the guy that could be holding his finger on the nuclear button. VP Harris needs to spread the word across America that this lunatic could ignite a nuclear disaster and we cannot take that chance.

So, let’s look at two distinctly different scenarios. In the first, if Trump manages to win the election, not by winning the entire popular vote but by getting enough of them, plus winning the electoral vote, that will be the end of our democracy and, quite possibly, our Constitution.

So, here’s a message for all the MAGAs, the AINOS (Americans in name only): If you disregard all the warnings you have received and vote for this convicted felon, narcissist, misogynist, and rapist, who has no ethics or morals and is a pathological liar of the hundredth degree, you will go down in history as the people who sold your soul for—nothing.

That’s the nightmare scenario, and let’s see the far better one when Harris wins. Of course, she and her VP Walz will proceed to put into effect as many of the policies that she promised to put into effect for all people, even those MAGA ones. Life will become much better, especially if the Democrats take control of the House and Senate.

What will happen to Donald Trump? After many appeals and delays with his captive Supreme Court attempting to help him, he will be told to get ready to go to New York’s Rikers prison, but he will make one last request to the presiding Judge.

He will say something like this: “Judge, I implore you to reconsider my punishment for a jail sentence and send me to a mental sanitarium instead. I’ve been very sick for some time. I’m very unstable and unhinged like so many people have been saying, and now I beg of you, please let me go to a sanitarium to live the rest of my life. Thank you, sir.


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Michael Payne is an independent progressive activist. His writings deal with social, economic, political and foreign policy issues; and especially with the great dangers involved with the proliferation of perpetual war, the associated defense industry, and the massive control that Corporate America holds over this government and our election process; all which are leading this nation down the road to eventual financial ruin if the conditions are not reversed. He is a graduate of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois and a U.S. Army veteran.