Uplifting commotion across FL & TX Senate races: Mindful backlash to the cruelest, throwback states

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Eventually, the awakened center comes to defy extremist, bad faith MAGA barrages against its own citizens

Whether or not April is the cruelest month, progressives know full well what populous, southern states inflict the most calculated cruelty against their own citizens: Florida and Texas. Indeed, it’s impossible to pinpoint only one inhumane “worst state in the Union.” No surprise, amidst dark and dismal days, that two critical, neck and neck battles warm evolved hearts with a potential double whammy against unpopular incumbents. Join me in donating to two compassionate, optimistic, well-versed, sane Democrats.

That most primitive of MAGA hypocrites, Texas’ Ted Cruz, is under siege against the articulate, scandal-free, ex-NFL star Colin Allred—as Dem party and voter dollars roll in. Second, a dynamic FL upstart, Ecuador immigrant Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, roils the margin of error against a reactionary incumbent, Rick Scott, stuck with 45 percent approval. So, were WVA and WY seats lost, jeopardizing senate control, here are two shining, unexpected bright spots who could offset MAGA madness. 

According to Jennifer Rubin, “Keep your eye on the Florida Senate race.” Mucarsel-Powell just captured multimillion-dollar TV funding from Senate Dems, leveraging Scott’s “damaged” standing. The dynamic charismatic Latina ex-Congress woman is the perfect antidote to constant Trump threats against democracy, “I know what it is to live under a military dictatorship.” Latest polling puts her within 2 percent points of Scott per Axios. Approving $5.6 million ad spend for Florida, Sen. Gary Peters, heading Dem funding, declared prospects for both races “are real and we hope to get resources into those states.”

Further, Mucarsel-Powell is dramatically boosted by Florida’s abortion referendum that reverses the onerous six-week ban, backing already hovering around the 60 percent pass threshold. Mucarsel-Powell battles Scott’s alliance with the most extreme anti-abortion sect and his voting against IVF and contraception. She also leverages the mounting FL homeowners insurance crisis, worsened by hurricane blasts. 

Texas no better, likely worse

As the Cruz race heats up, Democrats per CBS News are investing “millions of dollars into North Texas Congressman Colin Allred’s campaign,” targeting TV advertising beyond the well-funded candidate. Cruz’ blasted reputation, with 51% disapproval, took a hit after his notorious, highly publicized Covid escape, Cancun trip while everyone else was stuck at home. Six years ago, Cruz survived Beto O’Rourke’s celebrated challenge by only 2.6 percent points. Notably, 15 percent of likely voters have not heard of Allred vs. 2 percent for Cruz, explained Matt Taglia, Emerson College polling veteran, “there is some room there for Allred to grow his name ID, grow his favorability, and perhaps catch up to Cruz. So I see little chance of one candidate or the other breaking away here . . . it’s only going to narrow further.” Big ad buys will resolve this gap.

Allred, ex-footballer and civil rights attorney, won a “Republican” Dallas Congressional district in 2018 and would be the first statewide Dem elected since 1994. He leads 50 percent to 39 percent with Hispanics, double digits among African-American voters. Chris LaCivita, Trump’s campaign lackey, admitted on X, “What the hell is wrong with the Senate race in Texas ? I think i know … and i think i know his name ….time to get some real professionals in to save” Cruz. Liz Cheney has endorsed Allred by name, and so has Willie Nelson. Good news: a Morning Consult poll from Newsweek showed Allred ahead for the first time by one point.

Fighting it out as the worst U.S. ruler, DeSantis competes with TX Gov. Abbott in sabotaging good government, with intrusive abortion bans that criminalize pregnant women and supporters who defy unjust,  medieval laws. Rampaging across both states are voter suppression, defiance of healthcare rights (in FL 12 percent without coverage, Medicare funds rejected), high tax payment inequality (poorest pay exorbitant state taxes), dismal  school funding (FL teacher salaries the 48thworst in US), negligent elder care, abuse of gender rights (“don’t say gay”), book banning, censorship, retribution against immigrants (dumping unprepared in northern cities), attacks on university systems (outlawing “critical race theory”), facile access to guns, “stand your ground” provisions, low worker safety (facing heat exhaustion), anti-science Covid mayhem, punishing “woke” corporations like Disney, stingy unemployment benefits, awful minimum wage (still below $9./hr), widespread state tax business avoidance, and remorseless culture wars against “woke-ism.”

Among the least livable states—and worsening

Outcomes? According to Time magazine, “It’s no wonder that Florida ranks below the northern blue states in life expectancy and rates of cancer death, diabetes, fatal overdoses, teen birth rates, and infant mortality.” Add in DeSantis’ jaw-dropping scheme to pave over thousands of unspoiled acres at nine state parks, erect 350-room hotels and golf courses. In short, DeSantis (and Abbott) war against modernity, citizen welfare, quality of life, and simple decency—like Trump, refusing to learn from conspicuous blunders. 

Texas is worse on abortion, no rape or incest waivers (despite Abbott’s nonsense he would “eliminate rape”). Forget gun reform, despite six recent mass shootings that killed 92. The underage have access to guns, “no permit carry,” no required licenses or training. Massacres aside, Abbott pushes vouchers, writing off public schools. Like FL, teachers are badly underpaid, more books are banned than anywhere else, and reactionary Abbott donors dominate state boards. On energy, though outages killed hundreds in 2021, the TX grid remains broken, notwithstanding onerous utility bills. Like DeSantis, Abbott punishes LBGTQ Texans, prohibiting transgender school athletics. The fight against gay marriage equality is unabated and abysmal COVID blunders rejected masks and ignited needless outbreaks with premature retail openings. 

On immigration, Texas is disgraceful. Operation Lone Star cost Texas $4 billion, with $359.6 million diverted from prisons to his benighted border crusade; his truck inspection scheme wasted the U.S. $9 billion in 10 days without exposing contraband. TX’s minimum wage stagnates at 2009’s $7.25, and property taxes have spiked $20 billion without bettering schools or energy grids. Thus CNBC, citing miserable air quality (awful business regulations; auto-obsessed culture produces massive traffic and pollution), judged Texas among the worst places to live and work, hostile to families and workers. The fail list included shortfalls in childcare and education access, discrimination in state laws and banished abortion clinics. 

Moral shame, human neglect, sabotaged government

Texas also has the highest number without healthcare insurance, having cruelly refused Medicare funds. Throw in abysmal median household incomes, high violent crime rates, neglect of children, gross shortage of primary care physicians, thus the highest maternal death rate in the developed world). Needless to say, Texas allows religious conservatives to dictate what books are approved for school classes. One more inhumane whopper: Texas leads in prison executions.

In short, FL and TX qualify as the cruelest, most penny-foolish, anti-ordinary people nightmares. Molly Ivins captured the mayhem: “All anyone needs to enjoy the state legislature is a strong stomach and a complete insensitivity to the needs of the people. As long as you don’t think about what that peculiar body should be doing and what it actually is doing to the quality of life in Texas, then it’s all marvelous fun.” No wonder out of touch, incumbent senators now face strong insurgencies. 


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For over a decade, Robert S. Becker's independent, rebel-rousing essays on politics and culture analyze overall trends, history, implications, messaging and frameworks. He has been published widely, aside from Nation of Change and RSN, with extensive credits from OpEdNews (as senior editor), Alternet, Salon, Truthdig, Smirking Chimp, Dandelion Salad, Beyond Chron, and the SF Chronicle. Educated at Rutgers College, N.J. (B.A. English) and U.C. Berkeley (Ph.D. English), Becker left university teaching (Northwestern, then U. Chicago) for business, founding SOTA Industries, a top American high end audio company he ran from '80 to '92. From '92-02, he was an anti-gravel mining activist while doing marketing, business and writing consulting. Since then, he seeks out insight, even wit in the shadows, without ideology or righteousness across the current mayhem of American politics.