Blinken faces calls to resign after report exposes illegal arms sales to Israel

A ProPublica report reveals that Secretary of State Antony Blinken ignored findings that Israel blocked humanitarian aid to Gaza, fueling demands for his resignation over complicity in human rights violations.

Image Credit: REUTERS/Ibraheem Al Omari/Pool

Calls for U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s resignation are mounting following a bombshell report from ProPublica that revealed he lied to Congress to keep U.S. weapons flowing to Israel, despite internal recommendations to halt the transfers due to Israel’s documented human rights violations in Gaza. Muslim and Arab rights groups, alongside human rights advocates, argue that Blinken’s actions are illegal under U.S. and international law and demand his immediate removal from office.

ProPublica’s report, published Tuesday, disclosed that both the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration had determined this spring that Israel was intentionally obstructing humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza. These findings were based on assessments from the United Nations and on-the-ground reports from humanitarian organizations, revealing widespread famine, epidemics, and deteriorating living conditions in Gaza.

Under U.S. law—specifically Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act—the federal government is prohibited from providing military assistance to nations obstructing U.S. humanitarian aid. According to ProPublica, USAID and the refugee bureau advised Blinken that continuing arms shipments to Israel would be in direct violation of this statute. USAID even recommended halting over $830 million in military aid, while the refugee bureau called for pausing additional arms sales to Israel.

However, rather than follow these recommendations, Blinken submitted a report to Congress in May asserting that there was insufficient evidence to conclude that Israel was deliberately blocking aid, allowing the Biden administration to continue funneling U.S. weapons to the Israeli military. Blinken’s report contradicted the findings of both USAID and the refugee bureau, setting off a wave of backlash from human rights organizations.

“When a senior American official lies to Congress in the middle of genocide so that the government can keep funding that genocide, he is deliberately flouting the law and prolonging the suffering of millions of innocent people who desperately need our government to stop funding their slaughter,” said Nihad Awad, National Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). “He must resign, and the Biden administration must be held accountable for its violation of the law and its complicity in the Israeli genocide in Gaza.”

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has worsened drastically since Blinken’s decision to continue arms sales to Israel. Since the spring, Israel has intensified its blockade on Gaza, leading to record lows in the amount of aid entering the region. In May, the United Nations declared that northern Gaza was experiencing a “full-blown famine,” and reports from humanitarian organizations on the ground indicate that over 80% of food aid is being blocked from reaching the territory. The average number of aid trucks entering Gaza each day has plummeted to just 69—far below what is needed to sustain Gaza’s 2.3 million residents.

Critics argue that Blinken’s suppression of the USAID and refugee bureau findings is a clear violation of both U.S. law and international human rights standards. Sam Perlo-Freeman, an academic and former researcher for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), called for Blinken’s resignation, stating that “Blinken should resign or be impeached.” He added, “Of course, most of Congress was very happy to be lied to and would have denounced Blinken for the truth.”

The Institute for Middle East Understanding Policy Project also weighed in, calling Blinken’s actions “egregiously illegal.” The group pointed to the Foreign Assistance Act’s clear prohibition on providing arms to countries that obstruct humanitarian aid and accused Blinken of knowingly violating this law to continue supporting Israel’s military campaign. “There must be repercussions,” the group wrote in a public statement.

The timing of the revelations is particularly critical, given the escalating violence in Gaza and the Biden administration’s previous statements regarding Israel’s military actions. In early May, the administration had drawn a “red line” on Israel’s invasion of Rafah, a southern Gaza city where thousands of Palestinians sought refuge. Israel’s capture of Rafah, which had been a major humanitarian aid entry point into Gaza, has made the already dire conditions in the region exponentially worse. Since then, Israel has transformed Rafah into a near-deserted wasteland and bombarded the surrounding population centers.

In response to ProPublica’s report, Blinken has defended his actions, brushing aside concerns over the legal violations. When questioned during a CBS interview, Blinken stated that his decision to allow arms sales despite the humanitarian concerns was “actually pretty typical” for someone in his position. His casual dismissal of the findings has only further fueled calls for accountability.

Abby Maxman, President and CEO of Oxfam America, called for decisive action from the Biden administration in light of the escalating crisis in Gaza and Lebanon. “Restoring the credibility of President Biden—and the United States—on the world stage rests on his willingness to act decisively to forge peace, especially in light of the latest escalations in Lebanon threatening to plunge millions more civilians across the region into crisis,” Maxman said in a statement.

Maxman emphasized that the U.S. has a unique position to influence Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, but only if it uses its leverage effectively. She urged the administration to implement a full arms embargo on Israel and secure a permanent cease-fire in Gaza and the West Bank, stressing that U.S. complicity in Israel’s military actions is undermining both global stability and human rights.

“The American people deserve honest and upright leaders to represent their values and protect their interests,” said Nihad Awad of CAIR, calling for Blinken’s resignation. As the death toll in Gaza continues to rise, the pressure on the Biden administration change its stance on Israel is growing, both domestically and internationally. The humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza has not only sparked protests across the globe but also heightened scrutiny of the U.S. role in perpetuating the conflict through its military aid. Advocacy groups, human rights organizations, and international bodies are now pushing harder than ever for the U.S. to halt its weapons shipments and leverage its influence to broker a cease-fire.

Meanwhile, Blinken’s continued defense of his actions further isolates him from public opinion and human rights advocates. His dismissal of the ProPublica findings has failed to quell the rising tide of anger directed at his leadership and the administration’s handling of the Israel-Gaza conflict. As calls for Blinken’s resignation intensify, the Biden administration is increasingly being seen as complicit in the atrocities occurring in Gaza and Lebanon.

The revelations have also sparked internal dissent within the State Department. Stacy Gilbert, a State Department official who resigned following the controversial report to Congress, expressed outrage over the handling of the situation. In a statement following her resignation, she remarked, “There is abundant evidence showing Israel is responsible for blocking aid, and to deny this is absurd and shameful.”

As public pressure mounts, advocacy organizations like CAIR, Oxfam, and the Institute for Middle East Understanding Policy Project continue to demand accountability. They assert that the Biden administration has a legal and moral obligation to stop fueling the conflict with arms sales. Calls for investigations, both in Congress and within international courts, are growing as more evidence comes to light of U.S. complicity in Israel’s actions.

As Sam Perlo-Freeman put it, “The truth is, nothing Israel is doing now would be possible without the United States. Blinken’s actions have placed the U.S. on the wrong side of history, and the consequences will be felt for generations to come.”


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Alexis Sterling is a seasoned War and Human Rights Reporter with a passion for reporting the truth in some of the world's most tumultuous regions. With a background in journalism and a keen interest in international affairs, Alexis's reporting is grounded in a commitment to human rights and a deep understanding of the complexities of global conflicts. Her work seeks to give voice to the voiceless and bring to light the human stories behind the headlines. Alexis is dedicated to responsible and engaged journalism, constantly striving to inform and educate the public on critical issues of war and human rights across the globe.