Win one for the Biden – hats off to dignity, fortitude, high achievement & saving collective asses

If Kamala Harris overcomes Trump in November, that will be one more huge notch to confirm Biden's exceptional public service.


Mission from Day One: keep at bay howling, reactionary cries to deconstruct democratic stability

If staying power were all that mattered, Joe Biden stands matchless in American politics, with more years as a public servant than any other president. But three things stand out when historians assess his legacy (likely higher than current approval): 1) his breakthrough 2019 decision to forestall the top national menace, then triumphing over sleaze and corruption; 2) two plus years of a surprising fistful of key legislative victories; and now, 3) his unselfish decision to step aside so a better candidate can again defy the same top national menace (and reject sleaze and corruption). Biden is the only president to pull out after having secured primary dominance. Like the Devil, looming demagogues never give up unless crowned king — or firmly dispatched.

By 2008, Biden was among the most distinguished senate veterans when tapped by Obama. He then served, alongside the nefarious Dick Cheney, as the most impactful VPs in memory. In contrast, VP LBJ would have faded, despite his senate leadership, had he not become a high-achieving president (Vietnam aside). Ditto, HW Bush, a forgettable, though experienced VP. Would Al Gore be remembered after 2000 had he not fostered high environmental activism? Nixon was a back bench VP for Eisenhower, only making his (egregious) mark after losing, then winning the presidency. VP Truman was invisible until FDR died, then ascended to be one of our best modern presidents. And VP Mike Pence was the icon of sycophancy (ever slighted by Trump) until his sole defiance of the Demagogue-in-chief, despite personal threats of violence.

As Trump lurches from presidential disgrace (already judged by historians our very worst) into a sputtering horror film villain, the first great, historic Biden milestone was blocking four more grueling years of Trump’s wrecking ball. Biden’s victory further buoyed Democrats across Congress and state houses, prepping electoral party dominance from the positive 2018 midterm through 2022. Sometimes just holding the fort qualifies as a monument to fortitude.

Exposing the biggest liar

Even had the (still) demeaned Biden flopped in the White House, steadfast centrism deflected the horrendous rightwing shipwreck (think early Project 2025 mayhem). The fully certified 2020 win then curiously drove the Loser-in-chief (gagging after a fair fight) to concoct the Big Lie, then the murderous coup and despicable fake electors’ scheme. Because Trump is the sorest of sore losers, Biden’s win triggered, then exposed how desperate is the Immoralist-in-chief. Normally, that Trump deluge, plus endless court humiliations, would have axed any normal criminal not inverted by fans into a hero. 

Further, had Biden lost, forget about even one Jack Smith federal indictment – and no NY state trials either. Thanks to Biden’s presidency, America (and Never Trumpers) have had four years to confront the shame of elevating a confirmed, repeat, unrepentant lawbreaker (before, during and after). Even when Trump and Trumpism are mortified one final time, as I expect, brace for decades needed to repair the damage – with some permanent scars to democracy seared in place. 

Had Trump won re-election, then hired all the ass-kissing, predatory Stephen Millers and Steven Bannons out of jail, who knows whether we’d have the luxury of this open campaign season? After all, the Supreme Court’s total immunity decision would still have arrived, giving free reign to mind-boggling corruption. Imagine Trump, already far more mentally (and morally) compromised than Biden, simply waltzing out of the 2025 White House without seeking a life-time presidency. Consider who’d really be in charge if the dementia-ridden Trump would have stayed in office – immune from the 25th Amendment. OMG. Ideological sycophants, nastier and more skilled at planning and destruction, would have made Trump more of a figurehead than he already is, then rampaged. With the same reactionary Supreme Court, with zero checks on extremism, America would be deluged by the garbage swamp that is Trumpism. 

That disorder deflected, Biden domestically surpassed all expectations from moderates and progressives, especially with the crazed GOP nut house. The gains: resolving Covid, renewing federalism, thus pump-priming the economy, advancing infrastructure and domestic microchip manufacturing, lowering insulin (and drug) prices, battling any total abortion ban, restraining immigration, improving energy and child care, reducing child poverty, greatly upgrading our alliances and overseas prestige and – most incredibly – passing the first important gun law controls in 30 years. That today the biggest (overdone) worries are high gas prices amidst descending inflation, high interest rates, no hard recession, or the geezerhood of candidates – all that testifies to the unappreciated normality that Biden sustained under adverse, divisive conditions. Restoring equilibrium, so what’s left of democracy survives, is a monumental achievement. 

Selflessness from a stubborn primary winner

Finally, however mulish and delayed Biden’s resistance to withdraw, never in our history had a primary winner made the honorable decision to leave, then anoint an already more potent Dem campaigner. Giving up power, most conspicuous with the infantile Trump, is daunting; but to relinquish dominance when on top, that’s historically exceptional. Sure, losing loomed, but polling did not yet guarantee an insurmountable Trump lead. Let’s never underestimate Trump’s singular ability to screw things up and sabotage his own chances (by crude cheap shots and the appalling VP Vance pick). Expect more DT shockers to come by November. We may well not know for years his full litany of heinous crimes and misdemeanors.

I am hardly an uncritical Biden defender, especially his shocking inability to escape the Netanyahu Gaza quick sand trap, undercutting his foreign policy chops. Either he didn’t realize Netanyahu was out to humiliate him (and elect Trump), or that only stopping arms delivery would make his point, reluctance to shift entrenched support for Israel will blot his legacy. IMO Biden in his terms had few feasible political or military moves to avoid leaving Israel in the lurch, however justified by its bombing brutality. 

Like many, I concluded old Joe was not trustworthy for another four years, reinforced by a low-energy campaign with lousy messaging and no winning vision statement. Biden is competent enough to finish his term, but that hardly merits four more years. No doubt haters will indict his inability to contain Israel as if that erases his entire 50 year career. We have six months to digest what he did well – and honor him not for imperfection but for pulling off the greatest domestic success than any president since LBJ, six decades ago. 

No president who makes decisions (or has no good options) won’t blunder – or avoid tragic war traps whose dynamics are clearly beyond any president’s control. Judging only bad choices without honoring the good speaks to ideological fixations. What politician won’t ultimately disappoint? Who has the audacity to claim perfect judgment? But it is paramount to understand the overall context, historic pressures, and lasting significance: Biden has been a brilliant, steady, dignified president who with Dems defied the worst of the Trump barrages. If Kamala Harris overcomes Trump in November, that will be one more huge notch to confirm his exceptional public service. “President Harris” would be the inestimable compliment to Joe Biden’s long and storied career across the immense range of presidential challenges. 


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