67 years in the peace movement

I would like to announce the publication of a book which discusses the things that I have experienced during my 67 years of work in the peace movement.


A new freely downloadable book

I would like to announce the publication of a book which discusses the things that I have experienced during my 67 years of work in the peace movement. The book may be freely downloaded and circulated from the following linka:

Holger Terp’s invitation

Seven years ago, Holger Terp, the founder and web editor of the Danish Peace Academy, invited me to write something about my 60 years of work in the peace movement. I gladly accepted his invitation, because I was 81 years old, and in poor health. I thought that I might not have another opportunity to write about my experiences the peace movement. The most rewarding thing about working for peace is that it allows you to meet really wonderful people, and what I wrote at Holger’s invitation is mainly about the fantastic friends with whom I was privileged to work.

Seven years later

Now, seven years later, I am almost 88 years old, still with serious health problems, and during the last two years, also with failing eyesight, but miraculously still alive. I have written a great deal during the last seven years, and almost all hac been about the serious problems that are facing the world today.

Between 2014 and 2018, I wrote primarily articles and essays for Countercurrents, TMS Weekly Digest and Human Wrongs Watch. The editors of these important alternative news sites, Binu Mathiew, Antonio C.S. Rosa and Baher Kamal, whose heroic and dedicated work I very greatly admire, accepted my work, and so I wrote almost one article every week for them. I also wrote longer essays for the two journals of the World Academy of Art and Science, Cadmus and Erudito.

Later, from 2019 until 2021, I wrote fewer articles and essays, and more books. The extremely distinguished theoretical physicist, Professor Pervez Hoodbhoy, has an educational website:

I knew Professor Hoodbhoy a little because we had both attended many meetings of Pugwash Conferences, and through him I became aware of his splendid website dedicated to public education. I began to submit my books on serious global problems to this website and they can be downloaded free of charge and circulated from the following address:

Many of my articles are also available from this website, and some of my scientific books and articles can be found there too.

 Other books and articles about  global problems are on these links


I hope that you will circulate the links in this article to friends and contacts who might be interested.


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