Epigrams on the Trump slump: The nightmare fades

Justice for this disgraced messiah is conviction as pariah.

Image Credit: The Independent

Inspired by Emily Dickinson

A ludicrous king lacks all degree
but imbecility.

A puny, punitive lord of misrule
epitomizes the fool.

A presidency awash with stunts,
orchestrated by a dunce.

Media payback scores Trump’s slump,
befitting an epic chump.

Exposed forever is this rich and famous
as a paragon ignoramus.

Trusting only to one’s selfish guts
personifies a putz.

Only a loser with low intellect
incites creeps to insurrect.

Career promotion: from misfit and buffoon
to thuggish goon.

Appalling way to drain the swamp:
hunt down cops to stomp.

Trump made America “great again”
by goading mobs to go insane.

Justice for this disgraced messiah
is conviction as pariah.

Justice for this modern Borgia –
a tiny, hot cell in Georgia.


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For over a decade, Robert S. Becker's independent, rebel-rousing essays on politics and culture analyze overall trends, history, implications, messaging and frameworks. He has been published widely, aside from Nation of Change and RSN, with extensive credits from OpEdNews (as senior editor), Alternet, Salon, Truthdig, Smirking Chimp, Dandelion Salad, Beyond Chron, and the SF Chronicle. Educated at Rutgers College, N.J. (B.A. English) and U.C. Berkeley (Ph.D. English), Becker left university teaching (Northwestern, then U. Chicago) for business, founding SOTA Industries, a top American high end audio company he ran from '80 to '92. From '92-02, he was an anti-gravel mining activist while doing marketing, business and writing consulting. Since then, he seeks out insight, even wit in the shadows, without ideology or righteousness across the current mayhem of American politics.