Lift Us Up: Meet the activists on the front lines of the battle for educational justice in America

We look at the criminalization of black and brown students that has led to what is known as the school-to-prison pipeline.

SOURCEDemocracy Now!

As Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh objects to being held accountable for his behavior in high school, we look at the criminalization of black and brown students that has led to what is known as the school-to-prison pipeline. We speak with a roundtable of community activists engaged in the fight to save schools and push for alternatives to punishment and privatization. Their voices are highlighted in a new book titled “Lift Us Up, Don’t Push Us Out! Voices from the Front Lines of the Educational Justice Movement.” In Chicago, we speak with 
Jitu Brown, the national director of the Journey for Justice. In Washington, D.C., we speak with Zakiya Sankara-Jabar, the co-founder of Racial Justice NOW! and field organizer for the Dignity in Schools Campaign. And in New York City, we speak with high school teacher and restorative justice coordinator E.M. Eisen-Markowitz and Mark Warren, co-author of “Lift Us Up, Don’t Push Us Out!”


  • Jitu Brown

    national director of the Journey for Justice.
  • Zakiya Sankara-Jabar

    co-founder of Racial Justice NOW! and field organizer for the Dignity in Schools Campaign.
  • Mark Warren

    co-author of Lift Us Up, Don’t Push Us Out! He is a professor of public policy and public affairs at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and founder and co-chair of the Urban Research-Based Action Network.
  • E.M. Eisen-Markowitz

    restorative justice coordinator, high school teacher and board member of Teachers Unite.


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