Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, August 1, 2018

ICE served eviction notice in Syracuse, Trump tweaks capital gains to benefit the rich, US deports parents but keeps their children, and more.

Image credit: Zach D. Roberts/NationofChange

ICE served eviction notice in Syracuse: At least 10 arrested in #EvictICE action

A nondescript office building on South Salina Street in Syracuse, NY, holds the offices of one of the most hated government agencies in America. No, it’s not the IRS. It’s ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency.
The building like many others across the country housing ICE offices, are privately owned. This one in downtown Syracuse is a mixed use building, some levels holding corporate offices and on others residential. The lobby looks like any other generic office building, it is telling though that there is no info on the walls telling which offices are on what floor. A quick search finds nothing about the building’s contents either – other than a shoddily thrown together website for the new residential apartments with totally not photoshopped renders of the apartments.
Yesterday protestors with #EvictICE entered the building, resulting in several arrests.

Trump administration attempts to tweak capital gains tax only to benefit the rich

A proposed tweak to the capital gains tax could benefit the rich in the form of a $100 billion tax cut the New York Times revealed this week. And the Treasury Department is looking to bypass Congress to get it done.

The executive branch would be helping wealthy traders, real estate moguls and other rich people in the United States pay far less in capital gains than they currently do by pretending “that the value of the things they are selling were actually worth more than they were when they bought them, and therefore should be taxed in many cases far less,” ThinkProgress reported.

Denouncing Trump’s environmental impact review as ‘illegal,’ green groups vow to defeat Keystone XL once more

Green groups denounced an environmental review released Monday by President Donald Trump’s State Department—which claims that building, operating, and maintaining the Nebraska portion of TransCanada’s Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would have a “negligible” to “moderate” environmental impact—and vowed to keep fighting the project.

The US deported 468 parents—but kept their children

“There is no effort being made by the government to fix this situation,” said Ashley Huebner, the associate director of legal services for the National Immigrant Justice Center, which represents migrant children in shelters in the Chicago area. “Each day it just becomes more obvious how their role has been abdicated.”

The difficult work of finding these parents has instead been left to advocacy organizations, faith-based groups, relatives, and lawyers, who’ve rapidly formed an ad hoc network spanning the United States and Central America. Each family’s case is unique, but a common challenge is lack of information. Investigators sometimes have only a name and a disconnected cell-phone number or a vague description of a remote village to work from.

‘Like a kidnapping’: ICE snatches 25-year Minnesota resident from his family in harrowing video



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