The hard truth about Trump and change

    We need to tackle these problems head-on.


    Dearest NationofChange Reader,

    The Trump administration is a disaster. Its dangerous policies serve to benefit the super rich at the cost of our environment, health, and safety.

    But while Trump provides us with a convenient target, he is not the source of our troubles, he is a product of them.

    Long before Trump, our country was being ravaged by fear, greed, and hate:

    The Koch Brothers and massive corporations like Monsanto were poisoning our environment for profit; American pharmaceutical companies were charging the world’s highest prices for some of the developed world’s worst health care; our families were terrorized by gun violence and hate crimes; and a single parent working multiple jobs couldn’t earn a living wage.

    And long before Trump, NationofChange was doing something about it, speaking truth to power and banding together with our brothers and sisters on the frontlines of peaceful demonstrations:

    The truth is, it’s not enough to attack Trump or his administration. We need to tackle these problems head-on. And it’s going to take a whole lot of work.

    Creating a more compassionate, value-driven world powered by communities focused on positive solutions to social and economic problems will not be easy. But if we stand together and refuse to be divided by fear and hate, we will create a better future.

    Right now, NationofChange needs your support to stay online and independent through May. We have until May 1st to raise $15,000 to cover our daily operating expenses: donate here.

    NationofChange is funded by readers like you, not the corporations or ad revenue. So if you appreciate the work we do, please click here to make a 100% tax-deductible donation today.

    Thank you for being part of the solution, and not the problem!

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