Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the country

Now is the time to take the momentum for Sanders’ campaign to push for these visionary politics.

Image credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Senator Bernie Sanders still has the highest approval rating of any politician in the country. According to a new poll, Sanders has a 61 percent approval rating, versus the 32 percent unfavorable gives him a 29 percent favorable/unfavorable gap, far better than Trump’s negative 8 percent.

Other people, items and organizations that were rated include:

  • Vice President Mike Pence received ratings of 47% favorable to 43% unfavorable.
  • House Speaker Paul Ryan’s ratings were 37% favorable compared to 47% unfavorable.
  • Planned Parenthood was rated 57% favorable to 32 unfavorable.
  • The Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare” was rated 50% favorable and 47% unfavorable.

Sanders continues to fight for the issues he has taken a stand on for years. He has been consistent for nearly 50 years on issues of the working people and corporate power.

Progressives, and many more Americans, are following Sanders lead. Even though he didn’t win the Democratic nomination last year, Sanders isn’t giving up. As Sanders says, “A significant majority of the American people support progressive agenda.”

Although Sanders is technically a member of the Democratic Party, the DNC is losing a lot of support from progressives for their treatment of Sanders. In addition to the corruption and scandals of the presidential primaries, where the DNC did all they could to make sure that establishment candidate Hillary Clinton won the nomination, the party recently elected Tom Perez as the DNC chair in order to block Rep. Keith Ellison, a progressive supported strongly by Sanders and his supporters, from receiving the post.

Now is the time to take the momentum for Sanders’ campaign to push for these visionary politics.

Here are is a snippet of Sanders talking about progressive issues specifically in relation to the recent election and the mainstream media:


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