Donald Trump has faced many opponents since he launched his presidential campaign—fact checkers, the GOP, his own running mate, to name just three—but few have dogged him as relentlessly as the microphone.
During a taped interview with Catholic network EWTN that aired last week, Trump once again blamed his arch-nemesis for his own comments admitting to sexually assaulting women. “The microphones, I mean to be honest, should, you know, should never have been on,” he said, before again defending the actual substance of his remarks as “locker-room talk.”
Time and again, when Trump has faced adversity on the campaign trail—like visibly sniffling during a presidential debate, or “accidentally” accepting the endorsement of an avowed white supremacist and Ku Klux Klan leader—he’s shirked any responsibility and instead placed blame on microphones.
Trump has made a habit out of avoiding any accountability for his actions, and not just on the campaign trail.