#NoLameDuck Uprising this November: Stop the TPP!


The White House is planning to use the Lame Duck session of Congress after the election this November to pass legislation to ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Our mission is to create the environment that makes this impossible. That’s why we are starting now to plan the #NoLameDuck Uprising! Sign up now to be part of it and we’ll stay in touch with you about what we need to do. There will be actions in Washington, DC and across the country.

The Lame Duck session takes place after the election and ends with the winter break in December. It is a time when some members of Congress have lost their seats but can still vote. The Lame Duck is often used to pass unpopular legislation. This year the Lame Duck runs from Nov 14 to 18 in DC, then members will be home for 10 days for Thanksgiving break and then they will be back in DC for the first three weeks of December, concluding on Dec. 16.

Tell Congress “Don’t Duck Democracy!”

Help spread the word about the #NoLameDuck Uprising. We need thousands to join in!

Download a flyer here: NoLameDuck qtr flyer

Here is a sign up sheet that you can take to events: NoLameDuck Uprising Sign

(Please scan and email the sign up sheet to info@popularresistance.org or mail it to 402 E. Lake Ave. Baltimore, MD 21212)

OUR GOAL = 5,000 signers  by the end of September!
So far we have 3,820.

See list of endorsers below. Let us know if you want to add your organization to the list.


350 Central Colorado

350 Chicago

350 Colorado

350 Joshua Tree

350 Loudoun

350 New York City

350 Plattsburgh

350 San Diego

350 Seattle

Alliance for Democracy

Alliance for Democracy, Portland, OR

Alpine Institute

Appalachian Peace Education Center

Art 4 Social Change

Arts and Revolution

Arts Restoring Culture for Healing Earth

Awake Miami

Backbone Campaign

Balanced Trade Associates

Baltimore Green Party


Berks Gas Truth

Bernie Sanders Brigade

Beyond Extreme Energy

BFUU Social Justice Committee

Big Island Bernie Crew

Bus for Progress

Calvert Citizens for a Healthy Community

Casa Baltimore/Limay

Central Florida Green Party

Center for Global Justice

Central Kentucky Move to Amend

Citizens for Sanity

Climate 911

Climate First

Climate Justice

Coalition For Justice, Blacksburg, VA

CODEPINK, California

Colorado Anonymous

Colorado Community Rights Network

Commonomics USA

Connecticut 911 Truth

Converge to Amend

Cooperation, LLC

Corporations v Democracy Issue Committee of WILPF US

C.U.A.C.K. Newz


Democratic Party of Ford County, IL

Democratic Socialists of America, Greater Oak Park branch

Earth Democracy Group, WILPF US

East Texas For Bernie Sanders

Eastside Democratic Club, Portland, OR

Ecobirth – Women for Earth and Birth


EcojusticeJWorking Group, Thomas Merton Center

Economic Justice Action Group, First Unitarian Church, Portland, OR

Expose the TPP

Fair World Project

Families United for a Safe Environment (FUSE)

Fargo-Moorhead Climate Group

Fight for the Future

Fight the Corporate Takeover

First Presbyterian Church, Social Action Committee, Columbus, IN

Food and Water Watch, New York

Fossil Free RI

Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice

Frack Free Illinois

Friends of Respite Sacramento

Friends Of The Piscataquis Valley

George Hansen and Co, Inc.

Global Coalition for Peace

Global Justice Ecology Project

Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages


Go Green Coalition

Goldfinch Movement

Granny Peace Brigade

Green Party of Skagit County

Green Party of South Puget Sound

Hampshire College Climate Justice

Health GAP

High Flight Arts and Letters (publisher)

Hilton Head for Peace

Houston Area Progressives

Institute for Global Education

Iroquois County Democratic Central Committee, IL

Itasca Green Party

Jill Stein for President

Just Foreign Policy

Kids Climate Action Network

Label GMOs – Inland Empire

Light Partners

Lipan Apache Tu’sis band of Texas

Mankato Area Environmentalists

Mankato Area Fair Trade Town Initiative

March Against Monsanto

March Against Monsanto – Denver

March Against Monsanto – Laguna

March Against Monsanto/Right to Know- Hernando County FL

Margaret Flowers for US Senate

Maryland for Bernie

Maryland Green Party

Maryland United for Peace and Justice

Massachusetts Right to Know GMOs

Men of Principle, Maryland

Mo Co 4 Bernie

Moms Demand Action

Moorhead Grassroots for Jill Stein

Move On, Nassau County

Move to Amend

Multi-school Fossil Fuel Divestment Fund

New Paltz Women in Black

NJ State Industrial Union Council

North Coast People’s Alliance

Northern Humboldt for Bernie

Northside Action for Justice

Occupy Bellingham TPP Action Council

Occupy Idaho Falls

Occupy Tucson

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition

Old King Farm Integrative Wellness Center

Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation

Om Shanti Blog

Oregon Action Committee

Oregon Fair Trade Campaign

Oregonians for Safe Farms and Families (OSFF)

Orlando Light Brigade

Our Revolution, Lane County

Our Revolution, Long Island

Our Revolution,  Los Angeles

Partners in Health

Pax Christi Iowa City

Peace Action, Staten Island

Peace Economy Project

Peace House – Tulsa

Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Water and Air

Pennsylvania Animal Save

Pennsylvanians Against Fracking

People Demanding Action

People for a New Society

People’s Action for a Safe Environment

People’s Organization for Progress

PeterCares House

Phil Cornell for US Senate

Popular Resistance

Popular Resistance, MS chapter

Portland Communities and Postal Workers United

Progressive Caucus of Dallas County (TX)

Progressive Democrats of America, NJ chapter

Progressive Populists

Progressives of Kane County

Public Banking Institute

Rett’s Rascals

Revolt Against Plutocracy

San Francisco Tomorrow

Save RGV From LNG

Senior Legislative Action Committee, Sullivan County, NY


Shifting Patterns Consulting

Slow Food California

Show Up! America

South Florida Audubon Society

Southern Illinois People for Progress

Spokane against the TPP & TTIP

Sustainable Upton

Team Good

Tejas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services

Texas Progressive Allies Coalition

The AMP Creeks Council

The Living Earth Oases Project

Topanga Peace Alliance

Trade Justice, New York Metro

Tucson Clay Co-op

UU Congregation of Central Nassau Social Justice

United for Action

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of St John

University Professional and Technical Employees, CWA Local 9119, Davis, CA

Utah Tar Sands Resistance

Veterans for Peace, Chapter 23, Rochester, NY

Veterans for Peace, Chapter 118

Veterans for Peace, Everett, WA

Voters Occupy

Voting Rights Task Force

We Are Cove Point

We Are Seneca Lake

We The People

Whatcom Democrats

White Rabbit Grove RDNA

Women for Justice

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

Worker’s Council Network


38 Degrees – Airedale

Fossil Free Sussex

Mujeres en Cambio

New Plymouth TPPA Action Network

Sussex in Transition

For more information, please visit the #FlushtheTPP website here.


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