How Bernie Won California: The Official Un-Count


This week on The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Election Crimes Bulletin we revisit the California primary crime scene and attempt to count the votes — something election officials in the state have failed to do. Officially, there are nearly 2 million votes that remain uncounted, and statistics show that the vast majority of these are favoring Bernie. If all votes were created equal and actually tallied, the Golden State would most likely be in Bernie’s pocked. Professional vote sleuth Greg Palast breaks down the numbers with Dennis J. Bernstein…


TRANSCRIPT (Originally broadcast on June 15, 2016)

Dennis J. Bernstein: Greg Palast, great to have you back… Are we talking millions of votes not counted? What is this?

Greg Palast: Are you ready for this?

DB: I don’t know.

Palast: Okay, take out a pencil and paper…

DB: Im afraid.

Palast: The mail-in ballots: 1,173,943 uncounted. Provisional “placebo” ballots — when they dont want you to vote, they give you pretend ballots — there are 712,849 uncounted. This is two weeks after the election! Even Iran counts the votes within two weeks. And were not done… 73,116 “other” votes have not been counted.

The other secret of American elections, that were not supposed to tell anyone, is that we dont count all the ballots. We have ballots which are called “spoiled.” Youve got some fly poop on the ballot so the computer kicks it out. There’re all kinds of reasons why your ballot would spoil. Were looking at maybe 1 million in California — thats a million “spoiled” that will never be counted. Not including those spoiled ones that are already thrown out, of the almost 2 million ballots officially uncounted (it may be closer to 3 million, but officially 2 million), at least 1 million will never be counted. Of the 2 million remaining, I would suspect that half will never, ever be counted — especially those provisional ballots. And the late mail-in ballots will not be counted. So you have 3 million votes out there and probably 2 million wont be counted. Hey, its democracy-flavored, but its not real, organic democracy.

DB: Do we know who would be hurt most and who would be helped most by this lack of counting…? Is there anyway to gauge that?

Palast: We know whos hurt most. That is the public and the voters. ‘Cause you just stood in line to vote and the guy or the woman who got the most votes doesnt win. In terms of the politics… Im a reporter. Its not my business who should win or shouldnt, but I can tell you this: Senator Sanders won California.

Let me do the math for you. Most of those late mailed-in ballots were what are called NPP, No Party Preference. These independent ballots were the ones that came in late because people had to switch their ballots. Its a complex process, in California, thats all I can tell you. The late ballots are Sanders ballots.

How do I know that NPP ballots are Sanders ballots? Because Golden State Polling, which is the gold standard in the Golden State for polling, put Sanders about 3 to 1 among No Party Preference, that is independent voters. The provisional ballots were almost entirely No Party Preference voters who did things like the woman in front of me who burst into tears at the polling station because she brought in her Independent Party ballot, and has the right under California law to vote in the Democratic primary. She turned in her ballot, as shes supposed to, but she forgot to bring the blank envelope that comes with it. So they gave her a provisional ballot, and she burst into tears, cause she knew that it wouldnt be counted…

Lets not take 3 to 1, the California poll numbers. Lets just call it 2 to 1, in which case Hillary has in that pile about three-quarters of a million votes; Sanders has in that pile about 1.25 million votes. That would give Sanders a plurality among uncounted votes, and Im not talking spoiled votes, which is probably the same breakdown. But, if you do the arithmetic, Sanders gains out of that uncounted and spoiled pile, about 500,000-plus votes, which puts him over the top to win California… By next week, Ill have more numbers for you, but Sanders won…

DB: There was clearly a full press court going on, which began with the declaring of Hillary as the presumptive nominee on the eve of the California election. This was incredibly suspicious in the context of who would be hurt… Whats the Secretary of State saying about all this?

Palast: Im horrified. Weve been on the phone with the Secretary of States office, Alex Padilla. And, number one, he has no count. Hes the Secretary of State, hes in charge of the election, he has no count. No count of the number of ballots which have been rejected already. Its about 1 million, give or take. So here you have a guy in charge of the election who cant tell you what happened to 1 million ballots… Its 2 weeks after the election, there are 2 million ballots still uncounted…

DB: How does he explain this? How does the Secretary of State explain not knowing?

Palast: Youll love this answer. He said, “Well, its no worse than any of the other elections weve had.” Like, what?!? Thats like saying, “Well, you know, we were in Vietnam… hey, Iraq wasnt that bad.” This guys, like, its okay because its always been this horrific in California. But because weve had a one-party state here, in the Golden State it was basically just the Democratic Party, no one cared. But now that you have a primary, a fight between two Democrats, someone is actually saying, “What happened to the 1 million ballots? …How come there are 2 million ballots still uncounted after 2 weeks? …Whats the rule for counting them or not counting them?”

And I got another one: You are supposed to, by California law, check the voting machines in the precincts. One percent of all precincts, you have to literally check the machine count versus the actual little punch cards that you get… By law, the precincts must be chosen randomly. There used to be someone who would stick their hand in a bucket with all the precinct numbers, in LA its 4,000 precincts, and you pull out a number. In LA youd pull out 40 numbers and those are the precincts you would audit. Well, guess what? Mimi Kennedy just found out that they pre-designated the random precincts to audit. So, in other words, they randomly pre-selected… The reason you cant do that guys, if youre not a professor of statistics, is that it aint random if youve pre-selected…

DB: The closer the election gets, the more crucial these things are. If we have a landslide… theres not as much concern about whats going on. But say, for instance, you have a very close election between Clinton and Trump, if they are the ones, really it can be fixed easily in this context.

Palast: Its easy to hold honest elections. Its not that difficult. Theres no reason for California to have lost track of 2 million ballots. Theres just no reason… I mean in Kazakstan they dont count the ballots either, but I thought California was not Kazakstan. Ive just been educated.

Now, heres the problem: Hillary Clinton was declared the landslide victor in California, which was an extreme oddity given that the polls taken days before showed her in a dead heat with Sanders. It just evaporated? Because Sanders people are not as enthusiastic as Clinton people for voting? No, its the games with the registrations… and with the mail-in ballots, and the so-called provisional ballots, what I call the placebo ballots. That problem is going to haunt Hillary… And by the way, I want to emphasize, I have no information that shes behind this. The California Democratic Party machine runs the operation. They backed her. Its not like she had to give the word to these guys to keep the system a mess so that she could win it. Im not accusing her of that, thats ridiculous. But I am saying that she will be the victim of the games with provisional ballots.

In the last elections, in 2008 and 2012, there were 2 million provisional ballots thrown in the garbage. Thats the official number from the United States Elections Assistance Commission. Two million provisional ballots were rejected. Theres no reason to believe that these were wrongful voters or illegal voters, because if they were, youd arrest them. There were just gimmicks as a way to throw away peoples ballots…

DB: Maybe we have to invent a voter dumpster diving movement to pull the ballots back out of the garbage and figure out a way to count them.

Palast: Well, Im sorry, Im going to have to blame a little bit on Senator Sanders and his campaign. Right now they are counting some of those provisional ballots, there should be Sanders people at every one of those precincts to say, “Count that ballot, dont throw that away…” The Sanderscampaign should have been aware of this from the front end. Besides having get-out-the-vote volunteers, what he needed was count-the-vote volunteers. I know Senator Sanders, and I know hes been concerned about vote suppression techniques aimed at minorities. Thats been a very big issue with him. Weve talked about it together over the years. But I guess he didnt expect it to happen to white people, his voters. Basically, you have a lot of middle-class voters in California that just found out what it is to vote like theyve turned black, with provisional ballots or the ballots they throw in the garbage. Were not used to it.

DB: And this will be the same system for the presidential vote, right? Nothings going to change here.

Palast: I think it will be worse. I think were going to see something worse going across the country. I was just in Ohio. If you think it was bad in California… Its a blood sport there. Jon Husted, who is the Secretary State of Ohio, makes Katherine Harris look like Thomas Jefferson with make-up. This guy is rabid. The courts have just slapped down some of his most recent stuff — literally saying his activities were effectively racist… But you take away one trick through court action, hes got another. And the problem were running into without the Voting Rights Act in full force, since 2013, is that a guy like Husted can put in all kinds of new, crazy rules and impediments to voting…

The second worst state after Ohio is North Carolina, another swing state. Obama won it one time and then lost it the second time. I can tell you why he lost it the second time, the games that were being played with the voter registration there. Hillary might be laughing and giggling at the foolishness of the Sanders people not watching the vote in California. But Im going to tell you right now, what goes around, comes around. Every vote stolen in California, will be stolen back double in Ohio and North Carolina, and Florida, and in New Mexico, and Arizona. Look out Hillary, this is no joke.


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