Saturday, January 11, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2015

The Deadly Epidemic of Mass Murders Spreading Across America

The US. needs to put an end to these mass murders by making politicians responsible for standing up to the NRA and gun industry. Sure supporters of the NRA are going to put up a fight, but the safety of the country’s citizens is a stake.

License Politicians: Better Late Than Never

Politics remains a glaring, backward exception to a complex, modern culture that rightly demands top credentials for top jobs: any buffoon struts into high political office and commandeers god-like powers over life and death.

Hillary, Bernie, and the Banks

Wall Street bankers are still an enormous threat to millions of Americans and the only way to resolve this is “with reforms so big, bold, and public they can’t be watered down.”

Is Benghazi the Real Motive Behind Jason Chaffetz’s Bid for House Speaker?

Is Chaffetz now running against McCarthy to avenge the infuriated Trey Gowdy? He has denied it emphatically, which is only another reason to think it may be true.

Bernie Sanders Raises More Donations than Every GOP Presidential Candidate

According to the FEC and other reports, Bernie Sanders has raised more grassroots support by refusing to "pander to billionaire donors" than any of his GOP running mates. Goes to show you political contributions don't have to come from a handful of deranged billionaires.

Congress-backed Interstate Oil Commission Call Cops When Reporter Arrives to Ask About Climate

When Steve Horn arrived at the Oklahoma City headquarters of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) for an interview, he was greeted by police—a tactic for the group's propensity for secrecy when it comes under scrutiny.

No, Donald Trump, the Middle East Wouldn’t be More Stable Under Saddam and Other...

Donald Trump recently made a statement that if Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were still around, or if Bashar al-Assad could be restored in Syria that the Middle East would be more stable. But he must be mistaken.

Latest US War Crime is the Murderous Destruction of a Hospital in Afghanistan

The best statement President Obama could come up with after the U.S. bombed and destroyed a hospital in Afghanistan, killing innocent civilians and volunteer doctors from Doctors Without Borders, was “We’re sorry”? This is why the rest of the world hates the U.S.

Former Public Schools Chief Indicted for Accepting Bribes and Kickbacks

Pleading guilty, former Chicago Public Schools chief Barbara Byrd-Bennett was indicted for accepting bribes and kickbacks in exchange for lucrative government contracts. Corrupt politicians continue to line their pockets with taxpayer money.

Roseburg Shooter Mercer Killed One-Third the Annual Gun Death Toll of England and Wales

While the U.S. has the "highest gun ownership in the world and the highest murder rate in the developed world," we have yet to do anything about this ongoing problem. It's time to legislate rationally.