Yearly Archives: 2015
Officer Fired After Gunning Down Stranded Motorist
The police officer that was responsible for killing Corey Jones was fired this week. While some justice has been served, should there be additional steps to punish officer Raja?
TransCanada’s Next Move After Keystone XL: Flood Mexico with Fracked Gas with State Department...
Though the Mexican government publicly denied the U.S. had any involvement in helping to usher in privatization of Mexico's energy sector, it appears the State Department has tracked gas pipeline developments in Mexico closely.
It’s a $cam!
The evidence is in: the U.S. military is incapable of responsibly spending your tax dollars.
Million Student March: The Fight for Debt and Tuition-Free College
On November 12th thousands of students from hundreds of colleges marched in support of eliminating student debt, tuition-free public college, and a $15 an hour minimum wage.
Bush Sr. Blames Neocons for Ruining W.’s Presidency: Is He Warning Jeb? (Video)
George H. W. Bush outwardly blames Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld for many of the failures of the presidency of his son, George W. Bush. Are his remarks meant to warn Jeb Bush of what's to come?
Will This Lord of the Manor Get Locked Up?
The former Massey Energy CEO is now on trial for negligence in the worst mine disaster in modern American history. It's about time Don Blankenship is put in the hot seat for putting money above everything else.
Here’s What a Solidarity Economy Looks Like—From Quebec to Chicago to Mexico
While solidarity economy isn't very well known in the English-speaking world, it's been gaining a foothold in academia and civil society groups since the turn of the century. But now the idea has had an impact on economic thinking in the U.S.
US Spy Sats See Everything, Except When the Government Says They Didn’t
If the U.S. has satellites monitoring the world, shouldn't they be willing to show what its satellites saw when Flight 17 was downed. The American people, and the people of the world, should demand this of the U.S. government.
'Another Yale is Possible:' Students Confront Racism at Ivy League School
At Yale University in Connecticut, the "March of Resilience" comes just days after protests at Missouri University caused the system president to step down. Thousands of students held a march over racism on Ivy League school's campus.
Let’s Break Away from Black-Friday Syndrome
Black Friday has been labeled the kickoff to a “Holy Month of Frenzied Commercialization.” Instead of shopping on the Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving weekend, connect with people, nature, the spirits and yourself.